Here are the Cards made in the first and second videos in the series.  There are just so many things you can do.  In this group I have used:

  • Paint with pastel chalk
  • using Blending Brushes to apply the chalk  to a card front
  • Using the chalk directly to the card front
  • Using a Blender Pen with the chalk
  • using Versa Mark partially on paper and adding just a bit of pastel as an accent

If you wipe off the excess chalk, I don’t think you will have to add a fixative to the final project.  Some in the past have “fixed” the chalk to their projects with hair spray. I also think that you could add another layer of Versa Mark and heat set the chalk if you were worried about the final result.  


Following are the Measurements and Supplies for today’s Floating Image/Frame Card
• I used a Basic White Cardstock for my Card Bases – 8 ½” by 5 ½”, scored ad folded at 4 ¼”
• Then I used Basic Black, Bermuda Bay & granny Apple Green for layering pieces cut at 4” by 5 ¼” inside and outside the cards
• I also used Basic White cut at 3 ¾” by 5” for the focal image on the fronts and the 2nd layering pieces on the inside



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